Trauma & Chronic Illness

Trauma & Chronic Illness

Anne Miniter McKay – Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)

Many often think of PTSD as only being associated with the effects of war experiences.

Sadly however, over the course of just regular life, many of us will experience serious PTSD trauma. Whether it’s an unexpected illness for you or a loved one, an accident, abuse or neglect, death, violent crime, war, or a biological or natural disaster — it’s all real and can arrest normal life. Normal life not only for you but for those around you who love you and so ultimately want you to heal.

Trauma causes deep emotional pain, fear, and confusion not only in the immediate crisis of the event but very often unfortunately far after the event has passed. Oftentimes the panic of trying to survive it can also delay it coming on, having a person feel or appear like everything is “ok” — when deep inside it really is not.

Either way, this kind of trauma can be overwhelming affecting your ability to work, and care for yourself, your children, or your partner.  Recovering alone is not easy. With the love and support of family and friends, some can bounce back over time. However, many struggle with finding a pathway to healing.

| Trauma/Chronic-Illness/Death-and-Loss |
  • Accidents and illness are never planned and coping with them for ourselves, our families, children, and loved ones can be extrodinarily exhausting (6 out of 10 in the U.S. live with at least 1 chronic disease such as heart disease and stroke, cancer, or diabetes, CDC 2019).
  • Helping you to have faith and courage in this tough time of trauma is what matters. Keeping focused and effective in decision-making, planning, and protecting you and your loved ones during this trial is vital.
  • Kings and queens on down sadly don’t live forever. Learning to heal and live with loss is part of life. Helping you to learn how to “healthy-grieve” and ultimately move on with joy, acceptance, and peace is important.

Enter professional help. No need to live alone in your pain. Life can too often have unfair twists and turns. To let that deprive you and your family of recovering peace takes you out of what you deserve. Healing and contentment in the midst of life’s imperfections matters. Concerning trauma symptoms of PTSD often include……


  • Avoiding specific locations, sights, situations, and sounds that serve as reminders of the event
  • Anxiety, depression, numbness, or guilt

Re-Experiencing the Event 

  • Intrusive thoughts, nightmares, or flashbacks


  • Anger, irritability, and hyper-vigilance
  • Aggressive reckless behaviors —  including self-harm
  • Sleep disturbances

Negative Mood and Cognition 

  • Loss of interest in activities that were once considered enjoyable
  • Difficulty remembering details of the distressing event
  • Change in habits or behavior since the trauma


Should you or a loved one be struggling with any of the above, please reach out for help. 

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